written by

Lindsey Blackburn

Property Manager / Broker-in-Charge

The importance of continuing education for property managers
The Crucial Role of Continuing Education for Property Managers and the Value of Trade Organizations …
What are Fair Housing Laws?
Fair housing laws are designed to ensure equal opportunity in housing for all individuals, regardless …
ESA’s and Service Animals – Don’t mess with HUD
As landlords, it's essential to understand and accommodate tenants' needs for emotional support animals (ESAs) …
Time to Renew – Do’s and Don’ts
Deciding whether to renew a lease is a significant time for both landlords and tenants. …
Lead based paint and the EPA
Lead-based paint has long been recognized as a serious health hazard, particularly for children and …
Home Warranties – are they worth it?
Home warranties are often marketed as a convenient solution for homeowners looking to protect their …
How do I choose a vendor and how do I get them to call me back?
As a landlord, maintaining your rental property is essential for ensuring tenant satisfaction and protecting …
Managing Maintenance Emergencies
Emergencies in property management require swift action and clear protocols to ensure the safety and …
The Power of Communication: Building Stronger Bonds Between Property Managers and Owners
Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful business relationship, and the dynamic between …
Pre-Tenant Move-In Checklist: Ensuring a Seamless Transition for Landlords and Happy Tenants
As a landlord, preparing your rental property for new tenants involves more than just signing …
Move-in, Move-out and Periodic Evaluations
Maintaining a thorough record of property conditions throughout a tenancy is paramount, and various types …
Preparing Rental Homes for Hurricane Season
Hurricane season can be a stressful time for property owners, especially those with rental properties …
Understanding Security Deposits and other Move-In Costs for Long-Term Tenancies
As property owners, welcoming new tenants into your rental property marks the beginning of a …
Maximizing Returns: The Case for Hiring a Property Manager for Long-Term Rentals
Managing a long-term rental property can be a demanding and time-consuming endeavor. From tenant screening …